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Singing In Spain

Hi all! 

This blog is all about my journey in Spain. The ups, downs, and everything in between will be shared in what I hope is a fun engaging way!


  • Writer's pictureToya M.

T-Minus 7 Days to Go...


Location: USA

TIme: 7 Days and counting


laksjdgijsdhkflajdkfjahblfjslkfjlkdh AHHHHHH!!!

There's seven days until I leave for Spain and I am a bundle of emotions!

For the most part, I am extremely excited about leaving, exploring, growing, etc. Then, there's the nervous anxiety of trying to remember if I packed everything / if I packed too much/ what did I pack???

Not to mention, there's a part of me that wishes I could see my family and friends one last time before take off...then I snap out of it because I have their phone number and I'll be talking to them soon.

Finally, there's a part of me rushing to finish things I had all summer to do (but no time inducing motivation to complete). However: The applications are submitted. The album is in the works... and my Fortnite battle pass is about to go to waste. But my life is about to change, here's to hoping I handle it well.


Fingers Crossed. Prayers Sent.

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Thanks for your interest in Singing In Spain! If you have any questions feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!


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