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Singing In Spain

Hi all! 

This blog is all about my journey in Spain. The ups, downs, and everything in between will be shared in what I hope is a fun engaging way!


  • Writer's pictureToya M.

Mom was here!

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Time: 02:27 02-12-2018

Countdown: 20 DAYS

My momma <3

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Christmas is on its way. One of the biggest things I'm thankful for is that my mom was able to come see me in Spain! There were some obstacles along the way (insert flight delays and misplaced luggage) but she made it to me and we got to spend five days exploring and traveling together.

I can honestly say I saw more of Spain in five days with my mom and Ms. Sabrina, than I have the entire time I've been here. Mostly because I enjoy being in bed and working on the computer over exploring, but also because I like having a partner in crime to explore with and my friends here are on different schedules than me.

At Glories Mall next to one of my campuses
Came from Florida to pose with Mickey in Spain

Mom being here was exactly what I needed to reenergize me to finish strong until I get back home. She reminded me that home is still there, and that God is still watching over all of us (doubly so when I almost got robbed!). Then we went to freeze in Paris, and eat crepes.

Mom and Mrs. Sabrina in front of a pretty Parisian building

I guess the biggest takeaway from her visit is: exploring is beautiful but exploring with those you love is even better!

Love you mom!


Fingers Crossed. Prayers Sent.

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